Thursday, February 5, 2009

Funny Genetail Tattoos

Kids Wave hidden

Marco Rossi Doria
Unit - 02/05/2009 - page. 13

Italian in the middle of autumn, while a wave of young filled the streets in defense of public education and training, thousands of young men continued to work in bars and shops, served at the table, manufacture trousers, shirts and bags in small factories hidden in alleys or in the suburbs. For six or seven hundred euro a month. O decided to take the train as they had done their grandparents to get in a factory far away, returning every evening in an apartment shared with friends from the neighborhood in which they were given mutual courage to leave. Seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one years. Few speak of this silent wave, made up of boys and girls of another Italy.

In the middle of fall, one evening was fired upon four kids before a game room, five kilometers from the center of the third Italian city, probably by other boys, tied to organized crime. And one day someone asked why. But neither the newspapers nor TV have questioned much on people age boys wave or smaller tribes that are part of adolescence and youth without a net and out of control and too many times already in the hands of the myths and behaviors inspired to organized crime. Without patterns and rituals that both attract more as provide a cushion of identity, belonging.

There is a sea made of hundreds of thousands of young Italians who have left school early or have done evil or at least soon went to work. Often under precarious, low wage jobs with low knowledge and learning and with almost no prospect of future training. The North and the South, these our young citizens produce wealth. Without having any real change in perspective of "human development" that every civilized country should give to his children born less fortunate. There are also thousands who every day live in close proximity to markets, illegal or criminal, in proximity of firearms and alcohol. And substances that generate uncontrollable behavior and lasting damage that can be obtained cheaply.

Who are these children, our young citizens with little school? Almost all the children of families living below the poverty line. And there are few. According to ISTAT, the poor children in Italy are 1 million 809 thousand, 17% of the total, but of these, 1 million 245 thousand lives in the South. E '70 percent of all poor children and young Italians, one in three children south, concentrated in large urban areas.

Our school or do not conquest or otherwise fails to promote their early emancipation by the exclusion. Not at all. It 's done for others. Despite the many efforts of so many of us. And the public school, to be true, not may be more defensive as it is. Must change. These are the facts demands this. The "Social Situation Report 2007" of the European Union confirms it: our school is class. More than elsewhere. The children of those who have made the university has a secure job and have increasingly good chance to complete the entire course of studies. That possibility should be multiplied by 2.1 for Germany, 2.4 for the United Kingdom, the Netherlands 2.8, 3.3 for Spain and for France, 3.6 for the average of the 25 countries of 'European Union. But in Italy the possibility of the son of someone who has studied and has a good work out well schools and universities is 7.7 times that of the well child who has in his pocket eighth grade! And yet education is to live better. It 's the first factor in determining good job and income. It 's the first antidote to addiction, disease, ill-treated, and went to the violence inflicted, to poverty.

Italy immediately after the victory of the Republic, showed to exist because its the best part of every political hue, North and South America, recognized in the book by Carlo Levi - "Christ Stopped at Eboli "- that there was a part of Italy closed in poverty, excluded from the possibility that he was to receive answers. Today, the answers are to be children and young children of the poor. And the South in particular. It takes a great policy. Bringing together the best experiences of school, volunteering, banks and businesses. That reversal, of course, the force of law. That must return to defend the rights and guard the boundaries and be visible to the children of many neighborhoods full of risks. But that also offers innovative schools, real training. And job where you produce, you earn and learn too.

Where is this policy?


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