Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1 Mb Of Cell Phone Data

The Complaint against the TAR program plan

Coordination Parents Democrats (CGD), the Centre for Democratic Initiative of Teachers (CIDI), the 126 ° circle teaching of Rome, assisted by. Riccardo Marone have submitted in recent days an appeal to the Lazio Regional Administrative Court to request the cancellation of the program plan for the rationalization of the use of human and material resources of the school system, under art. 64, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree 112/08 (converted with amendments into law 08/06/2008 n. 133) and cancellation of any act pre-ordained, and thus connected to the same plan. Ie the assumption of 'cancellation of the Plan would also canceled the regulations that should, to the contention that paragraph 4 of Article 64 to provide a "timely implementation".

In Action poses a preliminary issue and cancellation of the alternative plan a number of issues the constitutionality of Article. 64 of Law 133/08, the TAR of Lazio, as an alternative or cancel the plan together, could provide the Constitutional Court.

The appeal points out that by decree on 25 June 2008 112, converted into Law No 6 August 2008 133 were approved urgent measures for economic development, simplification, competitiveness, financial stabilization and tax equalization.

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