Friday, February 6, 2009

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The Superintendent withdraw its circular on enrollments. Head teachers uncertain and confused.

G. Gandola and F. Niccoli

In Milan, the Director of the Provincial Education has withdrawn the Circular on primary school enrollment of 2 February, in which school principals were asked to formulate, in as forecast and the first reconnaissance of the proposed frameworks times and then organic. To us such a move - in a context characterized by a regulatory framework indefinite and questionable, when it is not clear on the basis of parameters such as the Ministry of Education intends to allocate the and, above all, to the inscriptions still ongoing in schools, even when parents need to speak out - frankly seemed improvident and hyper.

During the conference service with the school administrators on Thursday, 5 feb. Dr. Lupacchini said that this move - which was to have precisely the purpose of a preliminary survey of possible applications of the schools in order to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe organic substance necessary-was suggested by a small working group of school principals formed USP but in fact he ended up creating more problems of interpretation and confusion than anything else. Hence the decision to withdraw, exempting school leaders and schools from the compilation. This explains why in recent days have the circular in question was no longer found in the USP website.
The director has repeatedly stated its intention to defend as much as possible the existing staffing, consolidated over the years in the province of Milan, ensuring that the full-time in the primary will have twice the staff and will be made to ensure the even in the time table of 27 and 30 hours on afternoons. More or less the same reasoning for the lower secondary school degree.



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