Monday, February 9, 2009

Aftermarket Backup Cameras


February 14 in Cathedral Square will close the campaign of "School of the Good Offices" launched by the school of Milan. APPEAL.

On February 14, in Cathedral Square will close the campaign of "School of the Good Offices" launched by the school of Milan.
A campaign opposing the process of destruction of public schools initiated by the government with Berlusconi and his ministers Gelmini Tremonti and the people who saw the school make it clear that education for all and all, is a common good and depletion of this resource impoverish the entire society.

today with the public schools are subject a massive attack all areas of knowledge, research and thinking producer of knowledge, even the history of our country is being dismantled and rewritten clearing memory and debasing even some basic principles of our Constitution.

Milan Conchetta the eviction of the surgery and announced that the popular Via dei Transiti indicates a situation of absolute closure of a part of this city against the invisible work of intelligence to those places where the company dream, we invent and experiment with the ways and forms of making culture, solidarity, integration.

do not want to resign ourselves to the slow death of a city, like ours, which in itself, in its history, its men and women the ability to start life anew, to want and think.

For this Feb. 14 from 15 to 19 and beyond, we would like to turn in Piazza Duomo a meeting place where all reality, people, associations, groups that express a daily basis this will enliven the plaza and the city each with their own ways, with its creativity, its history, its passion. We would like
February 14 Cathedral Square and all those who are not resigned to see the death of Milan, suffocated by selfishness, ignorance, racism and xenophobia ...

We love the public schools: do not get tired ... they will get tired first!

We will be there

ones and those Retescuole


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