Fantastic race Tania and Francesca, the last day of the European Swimming Budapest, win the gold medal by forgetting all the terrible race fans in the stands yesterday.
Tania and Francesca show right now want to dominate the race, with the compulsory dives, where only the second dive can be found as a partial that the Russian pair, 103.80 points. But the girls do not stop and grind points one after another, bringing the thrill to the fans who never stopped cheering me on. At the penultimate dive girls are just two points behind Ukraine by 247 against our 245, but the race is still to be played because Tania and Francy unsheathe a last dip by 80.10 points, a roar rises from the stands and now awaits only the dip of the Ukraine, last in the list, but there is nothing to do with why a part of 66.60 points come a close second at 15 points from the Italian.
Tania and Francesca conclude with 327.90 points confermanosi European champions, second with 312 points and the Ukraine third with 307.50 points then the Russians.